Administration Police Warriors tactician Oscar Okaron has named his squad for their nationwide Nairobi league game against KCA. In the team, he...
After a poor start to the season, Western Bulls went ahead and made some significant signings from neighbouring Kabras RFC and have...
After a disappointing loss to Kabras as Kenya Cup took a break, Catholic Monks are out to seek to start the year...
Daystar Falcons head coach Caleb Bosire has named his squad as they look to continue with their good run with the chase...
Kenya Harlequin will be out this weekend to face off with varsity side Strathmore Leos at the Strathmore grounds as Kenya Cup...
Kisii RFC head coach Lee Arstone has named his squad as he hopes to continue with a fine run in the Western...
Menengai head coach Gibson Weru has named the side that will be taking place in the seventh Nakuru derby that will be...
Former Kenya Cup champions KCB Rugby have named their squad that will be out to battle with Mwamba RFC at the RFUEA...
Kenyatta University’s Blak Blad coach Benard Rotich has named his side that will be out to facing Kisumu RFC in Kisumu in...
Kisumu RFC led by Frederick Maube have named their squad to play Blak Blad as they eye their first Kenya Cup victory...
The year 2023 has mixed fortunes for Kenyan Rugby fans and take a look at some of the moments that took place...
2023 was a year of mixed fortunes for KCB Rugby who went on to register improvements compared to 2022 where they missed...