Kenya 7s, also known as Shujaa, have made a triumphant return to the World SVNs Series after a remarkable performance that saw...
Vihiga High School have qualified for the Vihiga County School games after winning all their sub-county matches. Abdallah Abubakar’s team dominated their...
The secondary school games have commenced, and Kakamega School and Ikonyero have secured spots in the upcoming Kakamega County games. Both schools...
The HSBC SVNs promotion qualifier matches have been finalized ahead of the decisive matches scheduled for Sunday in Madrid. In these qualifiers,...
Kenya 7s had a strong finish in the HSBC 7s playoffs pool whipping Chile 36-7 in the final pool match played in...
Heathens clinched the 2024 Uganda Rugby Championship with a 15-13 against Black Pirates at Kyadondo Sports Club in the final, securing their...
Kabras RFC showcased their dominance with an emphatic 54-8 victory over Nondies at Kakamega Showground, securing their place in the Enterprise Cup...
KCB Rugby staged a comeback in their match against Kenya Harlequin at KCB Sports Club, securing a crucial 32-18 victory to keep...
The HSBC SVNs Promotion playoffs commenced on Friday with each side playing two matches in the group stage. Spain finished top in...
Kabras RFC have confirmed their squad for the Enterprise Cup semi-final against Nondies, set for the Kakamega Showground on Saturday. Jackson Siketa...