Bungoma County 7s pools out, 10 girls schools to feature

Rugby Ball photo Courtesy/ Getty imagess

Bungoma County 7s Pools for the second term Secondary School Games have been announced and for the first time girl’s rugby are being featured.

The matches are scheduled to kick off on Wednesday 19th June at the Kibabii Boys grounds.

Bungoma County 7s

In the boys’ category, the pools have been drawn, and each team knows well the need to bring their A-game to stand a chance against their formidable opponents.

Pool A will boast a lineup with the hosts Kibabii, Kimobo, Kabula, Cheptais, Kakamwe, Terem, and Maanga ready to battle it out for supremacy.


Pool B has Bungoma School, Kapsokwany, Khasoko, Toroso, Lukhuna, Kaprikwa, and Butonge as Friends School Kamusinga, Sikusi, Savannah, Musembe, Netima, and Saint Antony Sirisia get poised for intense competition in Pool C.

Pool D will see Kamusinde, Teremi boys, Saint Mathews, Maliki, Kimaeti, and Bokoli face off.

In the girls’ category, the competition Pool A will witness Moi Girls Kamusinga, Kongit Saint Cecilia, Musembe, and Bukokholo vying for the top spot, while Pool B will will have Matili, Kimobo, Nalondo, Mbakalo Girls, Chwele, and Netima.

Bungoma County 7s rugby Pools

Boys Category 
Pool A: Kibabii, Kimobo, Kabula, Cheptais, Kakamwe, Terem and Maanga

Pool B: Bungoma School, Kapsokwany, Khasoko, Toroso, Lukhuna, Kaprikwa and Butonge

Pool C: Friends School Kamusinga, Sikusi, Savannah, Musembe, Netima, and Saint A Sirisia

Pool D: Kamusinde, Teremi, Saint Mathews, Maliki, Kimaeti and Bokoli
Girls Category
Pool A: Moi Girls Kamusinga, Kongit Saint Cecilia, Musembe and Bukokholo

Pool B: Matili, Kimobo, Nalondo, Mbakalo Girls, Chwele and Netima

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