Nine players barred ahead of Prinsloo 7s until GRTP protocols are adhered to

Menengai Oilers Beldad Ogeta in action against Kabras RFC. PHOTO/Brian Mwenje

Nine players have been restricted from participating in the Prinsloo 7s until they complete the Graduated Return to Play (GRTP) protocols, following injuries sustained at the Driftwood 7s.

In a letter addressed to the clubs by Driftwood 7s Match Day Doctor Dr. Aisha Omar, and seen by Scrummage Africa, several players were identified as needing to follow the GRTP process due to injuries or medical conditions.

Players barred

The players who must complete the GRTP before being cleared for play include Derrick Olela, Steve Odhiambo, and Shuaib Wesonga (Blak Blad), Michael Wamalwa (KCB Rugby), Beldad Ogeta (Menengai Oilers), Gilbert Ochieng (Nakuru RFC), Brian Ndeda (MMUST), Fidel Oloo (Nondescripts), and Brian Mwendwa (Strathmore Leos).

Menengai Oilers players Beldad Ogeta and Dennis Abukuse. PHOTO/Brian Mwenje

Menengai Oilers players Beldad Ogeta and Dennis Abukuse. PHOTO/Brian Mwenje

“Please also note that it is the sole responsibility of each of the selected clubs to ensure their players get the nod to either play or totally rest up,” Omar stated in the letter.

World Rugby’s player welfare guidelines, updated in June, stipulate that players with a history of concussion or those showing clear concussion symptoms must sit out for a minimum of 12 days, likely missing their next competitive match.

Players with no prior history of concussion, who pass Head Injury Assessment 3 (HIA 3), may return to play after seven days, provided no abnormal findings are present.

The GRTP requires that players returning earlier than the seventh day must receive approval from an independent concussion consultant.


In the letter, Dr Omar urged physiotherapists and licensed medics to prioritize player welfare over the game, reiterating the importance of a thorough medical examination before participation. This includes a physical exam, a review of pre-existing conditions, and baseline concussion tests.

She also advised that all Division 1 and Women’s teams participating in Prinsloo 7s 2024 must have a Level 2 Immediate Care in Rugby (ICIR) medic or physio for their matches. Division 2 teams must have at least a FAIR Level 1 medic/physio, supported by a pitchside ICIR Level 2 physio or medic.

Stocked kits

Dr. Omar further emphasized the need for teams to have a fully stocked emergency medical kit during training sessions and games, as well as ensure players stay well-hydrated and maintain a balanced diet for performance and injury prevention.

“If a player is suspected of having a concussion, they will be removed from play immediately and will not participate further in the tournament,” she added. The doctor stressed that there would be strict adherence to the ‘Recognize and Remove’ protocol, with any player diagnosed with a concussion required to follow the GRTP before resuming play.

Dr. Omar also noted that an objective tool for recognizing and removing players with suspected concussions will be implemented at the Prinsloo 7s, with the Match Day Doctor’s decision being final and non-negotiable.

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