2024 Western Region 7s quarterfinal pairings confirmed

Kakamega School in a past action.
Kakamega School in a past action. PHOTO/KCB Rugby

The Western Region 7s Rugby School games will head to the knockout phase on Saturday with entertaining fixtures line-up for  Kibabii. 

All the big guns are in the quarters with National and East African Champions Koyonzo High School in the first quarterfinal after an impressive run in the Pools.  They are set to tackle Kibabii High School from Bungoma County.

Western Region 7s 2nd quarters

In the second quarterfinal match, Kimobo High School are set to play Musingu School. Kimobo will be chasing a place in the Cup semis to boost their chances of featuring in the Nationals after missing the 2023 edition.

Vihiga High School in scrum-contest against Koyonzo in Scrummage Katch 7s. PHOTO/Vicmass

Vihiga High School in scrum-contest against Koyonzo in Scrummage Katch 7s. PHOTO/Vicmass

National and East Africa finalists Vihiga High School are set to battle against former National Champions Kakamega School.

Vihiga High School who are the 2024 Scrummage Katch 7s Champions had a 100% win record while Barbarian managed to pick two wins in the pools to reach the last eight.


St Peter’s who are also former Champions have booked a date against Chavakali. In the girls’ category, Bishp Sulumeti have a date against MGK while Mbakalo will tackle Eregi Girls.

Scrummage Katch 7s Champions Vihiga High School. PHOTO/Vicmass

Scrummage Katch 7s Champions Vihiga High School. PHOTO/Vicmass

Madira have been paired against National Champions Mwira while Kimobo will play Kongit.

Western Region 7s results

Western Region
RUGBY 7s Boys and Girls
B for Boys and G for Girls
Order of play
1. Mwira 12-12 B. Sulumeti. G
2. Madira 34-07 MGK. G
3. Kimobo 14-05 Eregi. G
4. Mbakalo 14-00 Kongit. G
5. Kakamega 14-17 Koyonzo. B
6. Vihiga 24-05 Kibabii. B
7. Bungoma 10-12 st. PETER’S. B
8. Kimobo 14-00 Kamusinde. B
9. Lwanya 10-05 Idavaga. G
10. Busiada 07-10 Chakol. G
11. Bushangala 07-29 Kisangula. G
12. Keveye 17-00 Nanderema. G
13. Nambale 00-12 Nyang’ori. B
14. Sigalame 26-21 Butula. B
15. Musingu 10-05 Senende. B
16. Chavakali 10-00 Mundika. B
17. Mwira 26-00 Lwanya. G
18. Madira 22-00 Busiada. G
19. Kimobo 28-05 Bushangala. G
20. Mbakalo 27-00 Keveye. G
21. Kakamega 20-00 Nambale. B
22. Vihiga 10-00 Sigalame. B
23. Bungoma 05-07 Musingu. B
24. Kimobo 10-00 Chavakali. B

Day 2
25. B. Sulumeti 29-00 Idavaga
26. MGK 15-00 Chakol
27. Eregi 12-12 Kisangula
28. Kongit 05-00 Nanderema
29. Koyonzo 14-12 Nyangori
30. Kibabii 14-07 Butula
31. St. PETER’S 24-07 Senende
32. Kamusinde 07-05 Mundika
33. Mwira 43-00 Idavaga
34. Madira 47-00 Chakol
35. Kimobo 12-00 Kisangula
36. Mbakalo 34-00 Nanderema
37. Kakamega 24-00 Nyang’ori
38. Vihiga 19-00 Butula
39. Bungoma 17-05 Senende
40. Kimobo 05-00 Mundika
41. Lwanya 00-43 B. Sulumeti
42. Busiada 10-14 MGK
43. Bushangala 05-26 Eregi
44. Keveye 05-12 Kongit
45. Nambale 00-34 Koyonzo
46. Sigalame 07-12 Kibabii
47. Musingu 05-07 St Peter’s
48. Chavakali 07-05 Kamusinde

Q1. Koyonzo Vs Kibabii
Q2. Kimobo Vs Musingu
Q3. Vihiga Vs Kakamega
Q4. St. Peter’s Vs Chavakali

Q1. B. Sulumeti Vs MGK
Q2. Mbakalo Vs Eregi
Q3. Madira Vs Mwira
Q4. Kimobo Vs Kongit

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